Water should be drunk in small dosages but regularly during the day. It is very hard to maintain the rhythm of doing that, so we are going to give you a hand. Water challenge: 7 days – 8 glasses of water daily is a perfect solution for people who love to mark finished activities or note some lists and make regular and perfect notes.

Wyzwanie wody

After every drunk glass of water colour one position at the picture. It will help you to see how many glasses left yet to be drunk. Empty glasses definitely are going to make you angry but it is a good motivation to further regular drinking. We are sure that you will make a habit of drinking water within a week but for support you may print another sheet of paper!

Zakładka do książki


Remember to always carry the bookmark with yourself – it was designed the way it matches your notepad perfectly.

Don’t you have a problem with drinking a water?

Last month we designed something that you gonna like. A list of books to read – download bookmark and print! Create list of books to read and systematically cross out read positions. Share it with your friends maybe they have some positions you are interested in.